Thursday, October 24, 2013

Thoughts on Veils and Bald Men

Chandele : Hey Angie. Today is cold. It is so cold that my brain is not functioning well in class.
BUT Marilyn always somehow make the class discussions funny-sometimes unintentionally and that helps a lot for me to focus in class- Even on cold days like today when my I'm close to being brain-dead.

Angie : Hey. Yeah, it's cold but I'm wearing a tank top and skinny jeans because pretty girls have the highest cold tolerance known to man on Earth. Anyways. What did you guys talk about in class today?

Chandele : Today's discussion was briefly about Persepolis. I absolutely love the concept of having a manga-like book to read as part of our assignment. It doesn't even feel like an assignment since I actually enjoy reading it. The only problem I have is reading ahead too far and then forgetting about specific details previous chapters on the day of the quiz.

Angie : That happens to me too.

Chandele : ANYWAYS, our class discussion moved from the use of the veil to how men are more attractive by being bald. Honestly, my mind wandered off for a second but I snapped right back listening to the word bald and attractive being used together. Bald=Attractive? Maybe, if the dude has a body like Taylor Lautner.

Angie : Pfft. Taylor Lautner? Are you serious? That dude has a face like a llama. Imagine him being bald.

Chandele : .........Okay you got me. Marilyn said those women covered their hair because of the shininess that would attract men.

Angie : I guess that would make sense. Men are nasty creatures that can't keep their dirty claws off from us pretty girls with awesome locks. I should go get a veil later in the evening.

Meet Angie Baby

Angie Baby
      Meet Angie Baby. She is hot. Who wouldn't want to be her.